Friday, August 6

A Week With Annie Dog

This past week we were asked to dog sit for the Kriendlers. We have known Annie (aka Annie Dog) since before Brian and I were married. She is a wonderful black lab, and we really enjoyed having her around. Lauren was very concerned about us taking care of her, but let's just say that she was VERY well taken care of...

Will harassing Annie one morning. She didn't care at all. She would just lick him as she knew it would be no time before she would be getting one of the 2 million goldfish that she was fed over the course of the week from him. Then, there's Ella who thought that Annie needed popcorn just like her while watching a movie.

Annie relaxing in the pool ... something she doesn't get to do at home! (Excuse the blur. The camera was adjusting to the INSANE heat.)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like she had a great week at Summer Camp!
