Monday, June 28

Ugh! Head Injury.

On Sunday night we had the wonderful Lindsey Kriendler. Her and Ella are a lot alike and have a lot of fun together. Monday morning after going to the park in the heat we came back to jump in the pool. I went in the back to change and the kids were watching a TV show. Then, Lindsey comes in the back and says, "Mrs. Amanda, Will hit Ella with a toy." I told her I was getting my swimsuit on and would be right there. Then, I began to hear Ella cry, and Lindsey comes back again and said, "Mrs. Amanda, there's blood." Of course, I dash to the living room and see blood all of the side of her head. Apparently, Will (aka "The Issue") had thrown his play saw at her in an effort to get her attention and got her just right in the side of her head just above her ear. It was a small wound that required one staple in the end. But, it was very interesting getting out the door with three kids that were in swimsuits and one that, of course, had just made a dirty diaper. Great timing!

After being in the ER for about 30 minutes, my fabulous sitter came to pick up Will. Then, me and the girls sat there for an hour. Ella and Lindsey were wonderful. But, Ella looked horrible with a side of her head covered in red. Finally, I called her doctor's office and asked what I should do. They said it was up to me but they could take care of it in the office too, but I didn't have an appointment and would have to wait there too. I was willing to take my chances. So, we headed to the doctor's office which was 10 minutes away and was out of there in 15 minutes. Lesson learned!

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