Sunday, January 23

More from Will's Sunshine Reports

We really still get such a kick out of Will's Sunshine Reports. I really wish Ella had these at this age. So funny!

- Will was very imaginative today. This morning at the table he was feeding the bunny (game) and he had a whole conversation with the bunny...You like it?.. Yes, I like it.. Do you want some more?... Yes, please. Then, I asked him if the bunny liked the carrots, and he told me, "The bunny just eats it." Then, during circle time we read a book about hibernation, and Will was very excited to point out all the animals that he had seen before.

- Will was very talkative today. He was very inquisitive and always had a n answer to our questions. Ms. Chris was drinking tea and he was very curious. She told him what it was and he said, " I want to see that buckwheat tea!" Later he was carrying a suitcase around and said, "I am goin' bye-bye". Where are you going Will? "I am going to school."

- Will was very attentive and enthusiastic today. He sat next to me at lunch and was just happy. Everytime I was talking with someone else he walked to me and patted my and said, "Ms. Chris". I asked him is he wanted something. He just smiled at me. He just wanted my attention.

- Very smart. Phonics & Numbers. He recognizes numbers by sight and knows what goes next.

- Today Will had fun in the kitchen with Evelyn and Smith. They started cooking up a storm and Will said, "We can make pizza with out friends." Later, he was mixing something up on his own. I asked him what it was and he said, "milk". He also told Smith he needed to use the cleaner, which happened to be the iron that Smith was playing with. Smith let Will have it. Then, Will brought it right back and said, "Thank You."

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